Today, we will examine how to Grant someone access to your Google Analytics 4 account.
Step 1: Head To Google
You can start right from Google.
If you don’t already have a shortcut set up to get to GA, you’ll want to just Google, … Google Analytics.

Look For The Signin Link
You’ll get several results here, but what you’re looking for is the “sign in” link.

Signing In
If you’re not already signed in, that should take you to the sign-in page. Here, you can choose the account you want to sign in with or enter your email and password.
*Important – Make sure you’re signing in as an administrator for the GA count to which you want to give access.

When you get logged in, you will be taken to the last account you recently opened.
You can always click on the account drop-down box to see all the other accounts you might have access to.

Choose The Account
We’ll examine this site,, and the G4 Property Version.
* Remember that these could be named anything, so yours might not say GA4 in the title.

Click The Property
You can tell a GA4 Property from an old GA3 property by the UA- in front of a GA3 property. The GA4 property will be a series of numbers.
*Reminder: our property in this photo happens to have GA4 in the title; yours may not.

Click The Admin Gear
This little icon will be in the bottom left-hand corner, and before you hover over it, it may not say Admin to the right of it.

Choose The Level Of Access
After clicking the admin gear, you have several different options. You can give access to the entire account or the property.
So, you have account access management or property access management available to you from this screen.
Your account will probably be your company’s, and the properties might be a few different things: an application your company monitors, a subdomain, a shop, another version of your site, or your website.
Typically, you’ll have only one property, your website, but if we go to property access management, you could add someone to just that property.
However, in most cases, I would go to account access management, the top one in this photo, if you want to give them full access.

Click The Blue Plus Icon
After choosing the level of access you want to grant, you will be presented with a screen listing all the users who currently have access to this section.
In the top right-hand corner you will see a big round blue button with a plus in it.

Click Add Users

Type The Email Address
This is going to be the address of the user you want to invite

Choose The Type Of Access
Give them whichever access they need. If you’re comfortable with the administrator, that is usually okay here.
Usually, anyone doing some work for you will probably need administrator-level access.
Click Add
At this point, Google will send this person an email to which they can respond, giving them the necessary access.

You’re Done!
You should now see this person added to your list of users. Google will then invite them to confirm their access to your account.

Finishing Up
This brief tutorial should provide the information you need to extend administrator access to anyone who needs it for your Google Analytics account.
If you need additional help with Google Analytics, any other data, or website assistance, please feel free to reach out anytime!