Step 1: Head To Google
0:00hey everyone welcome to today’s video
0:01where I’ll show you how to give access
0:03to your Google AdWords account to
0:05someone who needs it it’s a quick and
0:07easy process so let’s get started first
0:10open your browser and go to ads. once you’re here you’re going
0:17to want to make sure that you’re
0:18currently logged in with the little icon
0:20in the top right hand corner here to an
0:22account that has admin access to the
0:25account you want to give uh to make sure
0:27that you can give that access to them so
0:30here we’re just going to sign in however
0:32since we double check that we’re signed
0:33in uh there shouldn’t be any additional
0:36passwords or signin process so we’ll
0:39just click sign
0:46in once you’re signed in you are going
0:49to want to select the account you want
0:51to give access to if you have multiple
0:52accounts I’ve got a few different
0:54customer accounts so I’ve got these
0:55blurred up but I’m just going to go to
0:57my primary test account here
1:03okay once we’ve reached this page we are
1:06going to Simply want to go down to admin
1:09and then to access and
1:12security now here’s where it gets
1:14interesting if you’re giving someone
1:16access inside your organization you
1:17should be fine but if you’re going to
1:19give access to someone outside your
1:21organization with a different domain
1:23name there’s one more step we’re going
1:24to have to do here and that is to go
1:26over here to the security tab
1:30and at the bottom here there’s a section
1:32that says allow domains so you’re going
1:34to want to click this down
1:36arrow and make sure that you’ve added
1:38any domain that needs access so I’m just
1:41going to
1:41put one of my domains in
1:46here and then be sure to click
1:51save okay then we’re going to go back to
1:53the users
1:54Tab and from this place all you’re going
1:57to have to do is click the add button
1:59here big blue plus and you’re going to
2:03type in the email address of the person
2:05you want to give access
2:11to and then you’ll get the option to set
2:13if you want the access to be limited you
2:15want it to expire or never expire then
2:17you’re going to want to set the level of
2:19access so in this case we’re going to do
2:22access and then you’re just going to
2:24click Send
2:28invitation and actually this one’s
2:30already been sent before so it’s just
2:31giving me the message saying it’s
2:33already been sent but at this point
2:34what’s going to happen it’s going to
2:35send an email to that person and let
2:38them know they’ve been given access and
2:40as long as they accept that access your
2:43part is all done and that’s all there is
2:45to it so if you have any questions feel
2:47free to reach out thanks a lot it’s
2:49Casey from CW dynamic